Embrace the set-apart life. You are not like everyone. You have a destiny, a calling, and a life that is different but designed for the glory of God. It may not be the most comfortable life, but if God is behind it, it will become the most beautiful. Commit yourself and endure whatever process He may be taking you through. Habits will break, fears will be starved, and your true inner treasure will manifest. Why? Because God isolated you to purge and beautify your life. #motivation #christianmotivation #inspiration #godmessage #godsmessage #godsays Donation & Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/INRImotivation?country.x=MD&locale.x=en_US Footage Licensed Through Filmpac/Envato elements/Vecteezy/Motionarray/Artgrid/Lightstock Don't forget to subscribe our channel to watch new motivational videos.